President William McKinley wanted to intervene in the Cuban revolution to stop the bloody and miserable revolution and protect American lives and property in Cuba. With McKinley's plea, Congress declared War. They also passed the Teller Amendment that declared that the U.S did not want any control in Cuba they just wanted to restore the peace and allow the Cuban people to control their own government. The majority of the American soldiers were volunteers that fought a very short war from June to august. After the war Cubans expected their freedom, but instead got the Platt Amendment. This was a list of conditions America wanted Cuba to add to their constitution such as never signing a treaty with a nation that effected their independence, never having an excessive public debt, letting the United States intervene in Cuban affairs to keep order and preserve independence, and to allow the united states to have naval bases in Cuba such as Guantanamo bay. Many Cubans resented this Amendment because it gave America a large control of their foreign policies.